Image of pornstar Ennio Guardi on Adultstarbase

Ennio Guardi

Birthday 1988-02-26 (37 years old)
Zodiac Pisces
Birth Place N/A
Ethnicity Caucasian
Gender Male
Hair Brunette
Eyes N/A
Height 5 ft, 10 in (180 cm)
Weight 172 lbs (78 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Angelo's big dream is to travel to the States to tap some of the American porn scene's hottest all-stars. Competition is tough, so if he wants to see his fantasies come to life, he better get to work. A committed athlete, this Czech stud is no stranger to hard work. He starts off every day at the crack of dawn, ready and pumped to hit the gym. After an energy boosting protein shake, Angelo begins his routine, diligently sculpting the muscles that will make him a star. He's got the body, the cock, and the stamina, and if he keeps pounding fine teen pussy like he does, he's sure to be a top contender in no time.

Performer stats of Ennio Guardi

Age in first movie
19 years old
Years active
2007-2023 (17 years)