Alexander Muller
Birthday | (N/A) |
Zodiac | N/A |
Birth Place | N/A |
Ethnicity | Latin |
Gender | Male |
Hair | Brunette |
Eyes | N/A |
Height | 6 ft, 1 in (186 cm) |
Weight | 172 lbs (78 kg) |
Penis Length | N/A |
Hair Color: Brown | Eye Color: Brown | Dick Size: 7 | Cut or Uncut: Uncut | Sexual Positions: Top | Sign: Sagittarius | Favorite Food: Steak, Japanese food | Favorite Movie: Friends with Benefits | Favorite City: Lisbon | Hobbies: Gym, movie theater | What I Like Most: 1) My family 2) Men.com | What I Don't Like: Pussy | Best Thing About Me: Brave enough to leave my hometown in Brazil, knowing nobody, with 500 dollars only | Worst Thing About Me: I'm jealous, indecisive | How to Make Me Happy: Ice cream | Favorite Quote: "Actions speak louder than words."
Performer stats of Alexander Muller
Age in first movie
Years active
2018-2022 (5 years)