Image of pornstar Violet Myers on Adultstarbase
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Violet Myers

Birthday 1997-02-24 (28 years old)
Zodiac Pisces
Birth Place Born in United States United States
Ethnicity Latin
Gender Female
Hair Dark Brown
Eyes Brown
Height 5 ft, 2 in (160 cm)
Weight 134 lbs (61 kg)
Measurement 34DDD-28-36

Violet Myers was that mysterious and mercurial goth kid in school, the one that hid her big natural tits under Marilyn Manson t-shirts and kept a secret online journal where she posted her deepest sexual fantasies along with nudes. She never thought she could make a career out of her fantasy life until she found webcamming, and discovered her porn persona, Violet. She got into porn hoping to expand her audience for cumshaws and discovered that the lifestyle of big dicks and big money for showing off her big tits was what she’d always been looking for…and Violet Myers the pornstar was born! We are so happy she’s discovered how powerful her sexual desires can be, especially when captured on our cameras.

Performer stats of Violet Myers

Age in first movie
19 years old
Years active
2016-2024 (9 years)