Manuel Skye
Birthday | 1979-05-11 (45 years old) |
Zodiac | Taurus |
Birth Place |
Ethnicity | Other |
Gender | Male |
Hair | Brunette |
Eyes | N/A |
Height | 5 ft, 8 in (173 cm) |
Weight | 176 lbs (80 kg) |
Penis Length | N/A |
Hair Color: Brown | Eye Color: Brown | Dick Size: 8 | Sign: Taurus | Favorite Foods: Healthy | Favorite Movie: Thoroughly Modern Millie | Favorite City: Madrid | Hobbies: Aerial acrobatics, yoga | Likes The Most: Connecting with beautiful people | Doesn't Like: Bad vibrations | Best Thing About Me: I believe in everyone's potential | Worst Thing About Me: I am very direct | How To Make Me Happy: Give the best of yourself | Favorite Quote: "Light attracts light, love attracts love."
Performer stats of Manuel Skye
Age in first movie
37 years old
Years active
2017-2023 (7 years)