Image of pornstar Lance Hart on Adultstarbase

Lance Hart

Birthday 1979-05-19 (45 years old)
Zodiac Taurus
Birth Place Born in United States United States
Ethnicity Other
Gender Male
Hair Grey
Eyes N/A
Height 5 ft, 7 in (172 cm)
Weight 146 lbs (66 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Lance Hart has quickly become one of the most in-demand guys in the porn biz. This true bisexual has mainly performed for Kink. He does straight scenes where he’s the sub, and gay scenes where he tops and bottoms. He entered porn in 2009 and shot a masturbation scene to kick off his career. He wanted to be a writer but ended up in the field of software, which he found boring and unfulfilling. So, when porn came calling, he just went with the flow. Lance wants everyone to create their own porn, which is why he launched his own platform for amateur pornstars to create and distribute smut. He also gives them tips on-camera lighting and how to make great porn. After his first scene, he signed an exclusive contract to shoot gay smut. Identifying as totally straight at the time, he was clearly open-minded. Now he says he’s still pretty straight, but he likes to casually fool around with guys, which is great because porn gets him just the kind of action he likes. Lance loves all of the people he has met in the porn industry. He says they have all been nothing but professional and wonderful. He has made close friends and had amazing experiences, expanding his world. Lance says that he has gotten a lot of thank-you letters from fans who have seen his pegging videos. His theory is that guys are afraid to ask for this treatment because they worry it makes them gay. Lucky for them, they can log on to Pornhub and show these videos to their wives and girlfriends to demonstrate how fun pegging can be.

Performer stats of Lance Hart

Age in first movie
34 years old
Years active
2014-2023 (10 years)