Image of pornstar Jessica Portman on Adultstarbase
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Jessica Portman

Birthday 2000-02-10 (25 years old)
Zodiac Aquarius
Birth Place Born in Russia Russia
Ethnicity Caucasian
Gender Female
Hair Brunette
Eyes N/A
Height 5 ft, 5 in (167 cm)
Weight 108 lbs (49 kg)
Measurement 31-23-30

Russian teen Jessica Portman is the proof that there's no better preparation for being a pornstar than ballet. This beautiful brunette's dance background blessed her with a slender little body, enough flexibility to do the splits on a dick, and the strength and endurance to ride cock all night long! Luckily for porn fans across the globe, Jessica exchanged her leotards for lingerie that shows off her dancer's body to perfection, and she loves traveling to exotic locales to film some of the most gorgeous, glam, and graceful porn scenes known to man.

Performer stats of Jessica Portman

Age in first movie
19 years old
Years active
2019-2022 (4 years)
Release Title Vendor
N/A Rocco's Psycho Teens # 15 CD Universe