Image of pornstar Jay Smooth on Adultstarbase

Jay Smooth

Birthday 1986-03-12 (39 years old)
Zodiac Pisces
Birth Place Born in Poland Poland
Ethnicity Caucasian
Gender Male
Hair Brunette
Eyes N/A
Height 6 ft, 2 in (188 cm)
Weight 201 lbs (91 kg)
Penis Length N/A

Jay's learned by sweet experience that women find his blue eyes, chiseled features, and muscular physique irresistible. His hair is always playfully tousled, like he's just come in from tossing a ball in the park, or working out at the gym. On set, Jay is a joker who can be depended on to keep things light and breezy during long days in front of the camera. It isn't just for his big prick that all the women he shoots with rave he's a gentleman and look forward to working with him again. On his off-time, Jay is the kind of guy who flies out to Ibiza to live half-naked diving off the rocks and living a life of pleasure. All things considered, just how smooth is Jay Smooth? Check out any of his steamy scenes for the answer!

Performer stats of Jay Smooth

Age in first movie
19 years old
Years active
2005-2023 (19 years)