Diesel Washington
Birthday | 1976-04-11 (48 years old) |
Zodiac | Aries |
Birth Place |
Ethnicity | Black |
Gender | Male |
Hair | Black |
Eyes | N/A |
Height | N/A |
Weight | 240 lbs (109 kg) |
Penis Length | N/A |
Hair: Black | Eye: Brown | Size: 10 | Sign: Aries | Favorite Movie: \A Clockwork Orange\ | Favorite City: Washington. | Hobbies: Basket Ball. | Likes The Most: Fucking. | Doesnt Like: Bad Breath. | Best Thing About: Personality. | Worst Thing About: Temper. | How To Make Happy: Feed Me Good Food.
Performer stats of Diesel Washington
Age in first movie
32 years old
Years active
2009-2016 (8 years)