The Game Iii - the Mission
In the third installment of his erotic action/adventure series, "The Game III — The Mission," director Andrej Lupin cranks up the heat and adds a potent dose of excitement and intrigue to the proceedings. We now learn that Thomas Lee, who was abducted at the end of the first episode, is being held captive in an abandoned building hidden away deep in the densely forested countryside. We can't be certain who his captors are — Paramilitary? Terrorists? Common criminals? — but we quickly learn they mean business and they play for keeps. When the ringleader leaves Isabella Chrystin and Lena Love in charge of Lee they devote some time to threatening and terrorizing the prisoner. But then desire gets the better of them and they further torment their captive by indulging in an extended session of ravenous lesbianism. The addition of wickedly sadistic and exhibitionistic elements make this display of wanton woman-on-woman sex even more explosively incendiary. It's been said that war is hell. That's no doubt true, but "The Game III — The Mission," is even hotter than hell.