Taboo IV


In the fourth installment of Kirdy Stevens' popular TABOO series, the focus shifts to Dr. Jeremy Lodge ( Jamie Gillis ), a prominent psychologist who deals with clients who have been traumatized by incest. Unknown to him, his wife Alice ( Cyndee Summers ) has been having an affair with his brother ( John Leslie ). After their teenage daughters Robin and Naomi ( Ginger Lynn and Karen Summer respectively) are expelled from boarding school, things come to a head when Jeremy discovers the affair and he and Alice split up, each taking one girl. Soon erotic tensions build as Naomi begins to lust after her uncle and Robin becomes more and more fascinated by the concept of incest... The last TABOO film to receive a theatrical release, TABOO 4 features writer/producer Helene Terrie's most accomplished and daring script along side exceptional performances from Karen Summer, Lynn, Leslie, and Gillis, as well as Honey Wilder reprising her role of Joyce McBride. Easily among the greatest erotic features of the 1980s, Vinegar Syndrome proudly presents TABOO 4 on Blu-ray newly restored from its original 35mm camera negative. Bonus Features: 1. Scanned and restored in 2k from 35mm original camera negative 2. Commentary track with Kirdy Stevens (Director) and Helene Terrie (Writer / Producer) 3. Commentary track with Ginger Lynn (Actress) 4. New video interview with Ginger Lynn (Actress) 5. New video interview with Karen Summer (Actress) 6. Script gallery 7. Reverse cover artwork

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Image of pornstar Honey Wilder on Adultstarbase
66 y/o in scene
Born in Somalia
Image of pornstar Cyndee Summers on Adultstarbase
67 y/o in scene
Image of pornstar Kay Parker on Adultstarbase
72 y/o in scene
Image of pornstar John Leslie on Adultstarbase
72 y/o in scene
Born in United States
Image of pornstar Jamie Gillis on Adultstarbase
73 y/o in scene
Born in United States

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